The Direction of Double Dragon Goju-Ryu
under the leadership of Kyoshi DeBuc

Combining Sansei Goju-Ryu's teachings, along with the teachings of all the other instructors who have influenced my style of Karate, has given my students a unique advantage.  This variation of Goju-Ryu gives my students not only a solid foundation in Karate but also the versatility gained by knowing several styles.

My students understand the tremendous value in knowing how styles differ in their techniques, but are yet the same; and how various techniques from different styles increase in power when they are combined.  The students of the Double Dragon Karate Institute of Sansei Goju-Ryu use traditional Goju-Ryu with the advances designed into Sansei Goju-Ryu as a foundation for Double Dragon Goju-Ryu. Double Dragon.  I have blended my knowledge of martial arts delicately into my variation of Goju-Ryu, called Double Dragon Sansei Goju-Ryu, Double Dragon Goju-Ryu or Double Dragon Goju-USA, not to be mistaken with USA-Goju under Supreme Grandmaster Peter Urban, my teacher's teacher.  This is also the case with other instructors in the Sansei family, making Sansei  Masters extremely versatile.   

 Double Dragon Sansei Goju-Ryu is just one of the many variations of Sansei Goju-Ryu practiced by Grandmaster Saavedra,s 500 plus black belts worldwide.  We are proud members of the World Sansei Karate and Kobudo Organization, founded by Grandmaster Manny Saavedra.

As traditional styles of karate continues to be influenced by students studying not one but several systems, karate is being forced to evolve.  This evolution can enhance the styles that are not afraid of progress.  These systems that do change will inevitable replace the old systems, just as has happened with the discovery of the computer. Almost every Martial Arts School uses a computer, even the traditional ones, instead of using a ledger.  Most martial arts instructors drive cars or ride a bicycle instead of walking.  This does not mean that tradition is not good, but all techniques can be combined.  Masters who understanding this, will inevitably remain and replace the rest.

One of the most interesting thing I have noticed is that all styles of the martial arts appear to belong together. This makes me wonder if in the spreading of the martial arts through the world and different Masters claiming their own styles as they emphasize parts of a technique, the proper technique may of became fragmented then lost. All I may be doing is putting the peaces back together again, only time will tell.  Double Dragon Goju-Ryu is however the solid foundation for which my students derive excellent results.  In doing Double Dragon Goju-ryu they remain loyal to the strong creative spirit of the martial arts that Grandmaster Saavedra possesses.  This spirit allows Grandmaster Saavedra's students to continuously enrich their personal style under his, ever vigilant, loving guidance, and spiritual discipline.

Instructors of Sansei Goju-Ryu have the unique opportunity to interact, and learn from one another whenever they meet.

The students of the Double Dragon, and all students of my Grandmaster are truly one and the same, yet different and separate, showing that Grandmaster Saavedra, has the true understanding of Yin and Yang. This is the way of the World Sansei Goju-Ryu Karate Organization, and Double Dragon Goju-Ryu, for the 21th. sentry, and beyond.  

I am committed to leading my students along this path for the future.  With great appreciation, thanks, loyalty, and honor, given to my Grandmaster, Manny Saavedra. For his patience, his teachings, his guidance, his love, his caring,  his trust, and for the support he has given me in finding the way in my most difficult time.

Kyoshi Arthur A. DeBuc, ATP
Founder of the Double Dragon Institute.

A word to my fellow Masters through Goju-Ryu
On The Problem of Lack of Respect in Martial Arts